Saturday, 23 July 2016
Smog Stresses Skin Cells by KAINAT MUNIBA KHAN
Smog is nasty enough in the atmosphere, but now research suggests that ozone, a key component of smog, stresses out human skin cells.
Cars and factories belch pollutants into the air that combine with the sun's rays to form photochemical smog. Ozone in the lower atmosphere contributes to the smog that's visible to the eye; this is different from ozone high in the atmosphere that helps protect life on Earth from deadly doses of ultraviolet solar radiation.
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, exposed human skin cells to the smog-related ozone in the laboratory and found that they turned on cellular machinery that normally responds to stress, suggesting ozone may be toxic to human skin. However, further experiments are required to confirm the findings in people.
Smog breaks down into free radicals when zapped by the sun. These free radicals bounce around inside cells like pinballs, destroying most of the "machinery" they hit. Free radical damage has been implicated in diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
While smog's damaging effects on our respiratory system have been well studied, little is known about how smog affects our skin, even though urban and suburban residents are repeatedly exposed to ozone on smoggy days.
The lab research involved isolating and exposing normal skin cells to ozone at 0.3 parts per million. Typical ozone levels in big cities can range from 0.2 to 1.2 ppm.
In the lab, ozone exposure boosted the activity of enzymes that convert environmental pollutants and cigarette smoke to more toxic compounds.
Reference:The study was published in the June 18 issue of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
Monday, 11 July 2016
How will climate change affect rainfall? by KAINAT MUNIBA KHAN
Changes in rainfall and other forms of precipitation will be one of the most critical factors determining the overall impact of climate change. Rainfall is much more difficult to predict than temperature but there are some statements that scientists can make with confidence about the future.
A warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture, and globally water vapour increases by 7% for every degree centigrade of warming. How this will translate into changes in global precipitation is less clear cut but the total volume of precipitation is likely to increase by 1-2% per degree of warming.
There's evidence to show that regions that are already wet are likely to get wetter, but details on how much wetter and what impacts there will be on a local scale are more difficult to ascertain. The dry regions of the subtropics are likely to get drier and will shift towards the poles. For much of Europe, wetter winters are expected, but with drier summers over central and southern Europe.
It is the changes in weather patterns that make predicting rainfall particularly difficult. While different climate models are in broad agreement about future warming on a global scale, when it comes to predicting how these changes will impact weather – and consequently rainfall – there is less agreement at a detailed level.
It is likely that in a warmer climate heavy rainfall will increase and be produced by fewer more intense events. This could lead to longer dry spells and a higher risk of floods.
So far, any impact that climate change may have had generally on regional rainfall cannot be distinguished from natural variations. However, for some specific cases a signal is starting to emerge. A recent study showed that man-made climate change substantially increased the odds of damaging floods occurring in England and Wales in autumn 2000. For the UK, current understanding suggests that increases in heavy rainfall during winter may start to become discernible more generally in the 2020s.
Climate models and observations are improving all the time and the reliability of predictions is likely to improve significantly over the next few years. In particular, new satellites and more detailed models are opening up new possibilities for understanding and predicting how water cycles through the climate system.
For example, current climate models typically represent atmospheric processes only down to scales of about 50-100km. This limits their ability to incorporate the effects of mountains and coastlines and means that small-scale processes, such as convection, must be represented by average approximations. In addition, the latest regional climate models capture daily rainfall on large scales but are not good at capturing heavier or more localised events.
However, the latest generation of localised weather forecasting models represent scales down to 1km and can capture these localised features. Scientists are now starting to apply these models to climate change studies, raising the possibility of much more confidence in their predictions of changes in extreme rainfall.THANKS KAINAT MUNIBA KHAN
Sunday, 10 July 2016
The Introduction of Monsoon Season by KAINAT MUNIBA KHAN
The introduction of Monsoon season: ( تعارف مون سون )
The Arabic language word for the season 'mawsin' is the root of the word 'monsoon' due to their annual presence Although the exact cause of the monsoons is not fully conclude, no one expert debate that pressure of air is one of the primary factors.
In Every summer season, southern Asia especially India including Pakistan, Bangladesh, SriLanka & others , is soaked by heavy rain that's come from wettish air masses, that mosit air move in from the Indian Ocean to the southern areas. These showers, and the masses of air that bring them, are called as monsoons ( مون سون یا مانسون ).This term was used first in English language in British India (now this term use in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan) and other nearby countries.
What is the monsoon cycle ?
Monsoon is not only known as summer rain but as well as the complete cycle that consist of both in summer water-soaked on shore and also shower from the south offshore,In winter of Asia water-less or drought winds that's blow to the Indian Ocean.In summer season,Indian Ocean under over the high pressure (HP) area, while a low subsist over the Asia.
Development of Monsoon :
The high pressure over the ocean of air masses move from the to the low pressure over the Asian continent, produce moisture-laden air to south Asia.During winter season in Asia, the process is backtrack and a low pressure lies over the Indian Ocean while a high pressure sit over the Tibetan plateau so air flows directly down to the south ocean and Himalaya. The migration of swap winds and wind from the west also provide to the monsoons season.
When does Pakistan monsoon season start and end?
This a very good question for our PWF fans.Summer Monsoon rainy season occurs in South Asia including Pakistan from end of June to the month of October.The Thar Desert and adjoining areas of the upper and central parts of subcontinent heats up considerably during the hot summers season, which causes a low pressure area over the Upper and central parts of sub-continent.Some parts of the South Asian countries receive up to 80,000-10,000 mm of rain per year.
Importance of Monsoon Season:
The wet monsoons, which begins almost suddenly in June, are especially important to India,Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar (Burma). Monsoon rains are very important and responsible for Over 50% percent of Pakistan and 90% of Indian water supply. The rains usually last until September.
Affected area of Asia during Monsoon:
About world's half of the population including Pakistan especially India lives in the monsoons affected areas of the Asia and majority of all these people are existence farmers, so the coming monsoon and goings of the monsoon season are dynamic to their livelihood to grow food to feed themselves. Too much or two little shower from the monsoon season can become a disaster in the form of famine or flood.
World Wide Monsoon: ( عالمی مون سون )
The smallish monsoons also take place in northern Australia, equatorial Africa, and to a slight bound in the southwestern parts United States of America. THANKS KAINAT MUNIBA KHAN
Monday, 4 July 2016
Before, During, and After Flooding by KAINAT MUNIBA KHAN
Be alert.
Monitor your surroundings.
Monitor NOAA Weather Radio, local television and radio stations, or go to
If a flash flood warning is issued for your area: Climb to safety immediately.
Flash floods develop quickly. Do not wait until you see rising water.
Get out of low areas subject to flooding.
If driving, do not drive through flooded roadways!
Assemble disaster supplies:
Drinking water – Fill clean containers.
Food that requires no refrigeration or cooking.
Medications and first aid supplies.
Clothing, toiletries.
Battery-powered radio.
Extra batteries.
Important documents: insurance papers, medical records, bank account numbers.
Be prepared to evacuate.
Identify places to go.
Identify alternative travel routes that are not prone to flooding.
Plan what to do with your pets.
Fill your car’s gas tank.
If told to leave, do so quickly.
Review your Family Disaster Plan.
Discuss flood plans with your family.
Decide where you will meet if separated.
Designate a contact person who can be reached if family members get separated. Make sure every family member has the contact information.
Protect your property.
Move valuables and furniture to higher levels.
Move hazardous materials (such as paint, oil, pesticides, and cleaning supplies) to higher locations.
Disconnect electrical appliances. Do not touch them if you are wet or standing in water.
Bring outside possessions indoors or tie them down securely. This includes lawn furniture, garbage cans, and other movable objects.
Seal vents to basements to prevent flooding.
Be alert.
Monitor your surroundings.
Monitor NOAA Weather Radio, local television and radio stations, or go to
Don’t drive unless you have to.
If you must drive, travel with care.
Make sure your vehicle has enough fuel.
Follow recommended routes. DO NOT sightsee.
Avoid disaster areas. Your presence might hamper rescue or other emergency operations and put you at further risk.
Watch for washed out roads, earth slides, and downed trees or power lines.
Be especially cautious at night, when it is harder to recognize flood dangers.
If the vehicle stalls, abandon it.
If water rises around your car, leave the vehicle immediately. Climb to higher ground as quickly as possible.
NEVER drive through flooded roadways. STOP! Turn Around Don’t Drown.
The roadbed may be washed out.
You can lose control of your vehicle in only a few inches of water.
Your car may float. Vehicles can be swept away by less than 2 feet of water.
Do not drive around a barricade. Turn around and go another way!
Get to high ground – Climb to safety!
Get out of low areas that may be subject to flooding.
Avoid already-flooded areas and do not attempt to cross flowing water.
Stay away from power lines and electrical wires.
Evacuate immediately, if you think you are at risk or are advised to do so!
Act quickly. Save yourself, not your belongings.
Move to a safe area before access is cut off by rising water.
Families should use only one vehicle to avoid getting separated and reduce traffic jams.
Shut off water, gas, and electrical services before leaving.
Secure your home: lock all doors and windows.
If directed to a specific location, go there.
Never try to walk or swim through flowing water.
If flowing water is above your ankles, STOP! Turn around and go another way.
If it is moving swiftly, water 6 inches deep can knock you off your feet.
Be aware that people have been swept away wading through flood waters.
NEVER allow children to play around high water, storm drains, creeks, or rivers.
Shut off the electricity at the circuit breakers.
If someone falls in or is trapped in flood water:
Do not go after the victim!
Use a floatation device. If possible throw the victim something to help them float, such as a spare tire, large ball, or foam ice chest.
Call 911. Call for assistance and give the correct location information.
Wait until it is safe to return.
Monitor NOAA Weather Radio or local television and radio stations.
Do not return to flooded areas until authorities indicate it is safe to do so.
Do not visit disaster areas following a flood. Your presence may hamper urgent emergency response and rescue operations.
Travel with care.
Follow recommended routes. DO NOT sightsee.
Watch for washed out roads, earth slides, and downed trees or power lines.
Stay away from downed power lines.
If a building was flooded, check for safety before entering.
Do not enter a building if it is still flooded or surrounded by floodwater.
Check for structural damage. Inspect foundations for cracks or other damage.
Turn off any outside gas lines at the meter tank.
Do not enter a building that has flooded until local building officials have inspected it for safety.
Use extreme caution when entering buildings.
Wear sturdy shoes. The most common injury following a disaster is cut feet.
Use ONLY battery-powered lighting. Flammable material may be present.
Look for fire hazards (such as damaged gas lines, flooded electrical circuits, or submerged furnaces).
Check for gas leaks. If you smell gas or hear a blowing or hissing noise, open a window and quickly leave the building. If possible turn off the gas at the outside main valve. Call the gas company.
Report broken utility lines to appropriate authorities.
Check for electrical system damage (sparks, broken or frayed wires, or the smell of burning insulation). Turn off the electricity at the main circuit breaker if you can reach it without stepping in water.
Examine walls, floors, doors, windows, and ceilings for risk of collapsing.
Watch out for animals that might have entered with the floodwaters.
Let the building air out to remove foul odors or escaping gas.
Take pictures of the damage, both of the building and its contents, for insurance claims.
Get professional help.
Seek necessary medical care. Do not neglect minor wounds or illnesses.
Food, clothing, shelter, and first aid are available from the American Red Cross.
If the gas has been turned off for any reason, it must be turned back on by a professional.
Have an electrician check the electrical system and appliances.
Wells should be pumped out and the water tested for purity before drinking.
Your home is no longer a safe place.
Throw away medicine, food, or water that had contact with floodwaters (including canned goods).
If water is of questionable purity, boil drinking water for 10 minutes.
Restrict children from playing in flooded areas.
Keep windows and doors open for ventilation.
Pump out flooded basements gradually (removing about 1/3 of the water volume each day) to avoid structural damage.
Keep the power off until an electrician has inspected the system for safety. All electrical equipment should be checked and dried before being returned to service.
Clean and disinfect everything that got wet.
Service damaged sewage systems as soon as possible.
When making repairs, protect your property from future flood damage.
Follow local building codes.
Use flood-resistant materials and techniques.
Elevate electrical components above the potential flood height.
Elevate utilities (washer, dryer, furnace, and water heater) above the level of anticipated flooding.
Consider elevation of the entire structure.
Install a backflow valve in the sewer system.
Causes of Floods in Pakistan by KAINAT MUNIBA KHAN
The reason behind floods is not just natural calamities, but also the sins of mankind. Every living thing on the Earth is the part of an eco-system created by God. There is a natural balance and equilibrium in this eco-system. When an external force interferes with the eco-system of the Earth, its equilibrium is badly shattered. Nature can tolerate external interference to only some extent, after which, terrible consequences are unleashed. These consequences can be seen in different forms. They might be in the form of hot, boiling lava which erupts from terrifying volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes or cloud bursts leading to floods. Humans are the only creatures who do not learn a lesson from such natural calamities and keep interfering with the balance of nature. Mankind has been tarnishing the natural beauty for centuries. Even seas and rivers revolt when they are deprived of the land which was once their territory. The increasing human population is forcibly reclaiming seas to accommodate the larger numbers of humans. In Pakistan, there have been floods worse than the floods causing a disaster in the country at present. However, in terms of loss of lives and property, the current flood is the worst one in the history of the country. One of the reasons behind this flood is that populations have settled near the banks of rivers. Due to a long period of draught, the flow and volume of water in River Sindh had greatly reduced. So, people had settled near it. Therefore, these were the first ones to be affected by the floods in that region. The people of the Northern Areas of Pakistan and Khyberpakhtunkhwa had to face the greatest amount of damage and loss. The disastrous flood has consumed entire populations living near the river. During the season of monsoons, Indian opens its spillways causing millions of cusecs of water to be diverted towards Pakistan. As a result, the rivers start overflowing. Moreover, the silt present in rivers and dams causes their apparent water level to rise beyond their capacity, since the silt has already reduced their capacity to hold water. This is another reason that leads to floods. Trees can act as a barrier to the flood water. However, large scale cutting down of huge forests has deprived us of this natural shield. Furthermore, the roots of trees hold the soil. Due to cutting down of these trees, soil starts eroding. This is one of the major reasons why our dams and rivers have become silted. Another reason behind floods is rain water which fails to reach the seas. In India and Pakistan, sewers are not cleaned regularly. Blockages in the sewer systems cause them to start boiling over. During rain season, these sewers flood the nearby regions. Continuous rain is the major reason behind floods. Moreover, increase in global warming causes glaciers to melt which causes the water level of rivers to rise. This is how nearby regions are swallowed up by the disastrous flood water.
Government failure in controlling floods in Pakistan by KAINAT MUNIBA KHAN
Flood Conditions in Pakistan
The government of Pakistan is expected to adopt a healthy strategy and functional plan to control the flooding situation in Pakistan. Despite much criticism and loss of so many precious lives over the years; we are still stuck with same old school methods and relief efforts.
As you are all aware that in the past few years, floods have caused much loss to the floodplains beside catastrophically affecting the livelihood of people due to improper management, lack of communication between responsible authorities and overall poor infrastructure; the flooding situation has gone beyond the limits of endurance.
After the year 2010, in which mega Indus river flood has caused a lot of destruction some major steps have been taken by the government to minimize the damage condition. Major help was provided by army soldiers (as expected) along with helicopters loaded with food and camping stuff. According to different studies conducted by the researchers, it is estimated that the intensity of floods in Pakistan will only increase in next coming years. Investigators and geoscientists also believe that if precautionary measures are not adopted right away; the situation of loss will become extensively worse. On an average, approximately 715,000 people in Pakistan are affected by the different floods each year; which causes an estimated loss of $2.7 billion to the country’s economy. Considering a developing country like Pakistan, where the economic and political situation is already so vulnerable; any type of economic issue can only make the situation worse. According to World’s Resources Institute; the expected loss of life may increase to up to 2.7 million per year by 2030 due to flooding alone.
Living with the Floods
According to some ministers of climate change, floods can cause major destruction if no intervention is adopted. For example, it is believed that controlling the situation with the protection of forests and country’s natural resource can reduce the damage and number of deaths and casualties significantly. Now Pakistan is developing its fourth national flood prevention program to manage the destructive causes in order to better prepare for future years.
Lessons from the Past
A cost-effective strategy to control the flood situation was planned in the year 2012. The major aim was to focus on restoration of flood wetland and use of water supply wisely. The planned strategy was highly convincing to manage the flood loss, but this strategy was failed to be implemented due to political influence. None of the politicians has shown interest in investment over this plan as they think that this will give them a personal disadvantage and monetary loss only. As the time passed some influential politicians have invested on the development of flood risk areas such as the development of electricity poles, roads, and permanent structures supporting the land to minimize the flood loss.
Help towards understanding flood disaster management can be taken from past incidences. A major example includes Yangtze river basin flood management plan which was developed in the year 1998, after the massive destruction of flood causing 4,000 deaths and an estimated loss of $25 billion.
Integrated approach
National flood protection plan
As discussed above a national plan is being developed by the National Engineering Services of Pakistan with the help of Netherlands, the plan is now ready to be implemented and will majorly focus on the areas of flood risk management such as forests up streaming, restoring of wetlands and mapping of floodplains. Implementation of this plan will provide a more holistic approach towards flood management.
River act
Another act drafted by the ministry which emphasizes on the construction and betterment of already identified and large reservoirs such as Diamer Basha, Chiniot and Kurram, Kalabagh etc. and upgrading the system of flood warning system
Implementation of new flood strategy
Federal flood commission of Pakistan is responsible for implementing the drafted strategies after reviewing them with the ministry. Federal food commission of Pakistan comprises of different members from provincial irrigation departments, environment protection agencies, water and power development authority, army forces etc. along with all these members there is a strong political influence that has made its impact as hindrance in implementation of such plans and strategies causing a serious failure in flood control.
However in presence of all the resources and progressive development measures the plan fails to be implemented, the only way to resolve and tackle the flood conditions in Pakistan is coordination and most importantly cooperation among the responsible authorities and government. THANKS KAINAT MUNIBA KHAN
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